对待岗人员的应付方式和控制感进行调查发现 :(1)待岗人员对待压力的应付方式依次为退避、合理化、求助、自责、发泄。女性更多地采用这五种应付方式 ,年龄偏大组更倾向于选择合理化和退避 ,30岁是应付方式发展的转折时期 ;(2 )待岗人员的控制感由高至低依次为环境变化、人际关系、情绪情感和生活方面的控制感。女性更能控制情绪情感 ;(3)在待岗人员应付待岗后各种压力的情境下 ,可将退避归为积极的应付方式 ,将自责、求助。
Two questionnaires were administrated after unemployment. The results showed: (1) The order of the coping styles after unemployment was avoidance, rationalization, resorting, self-abusiveness and venting. The females adopted those five kinds of coping styles more frequently. The older persons had partiality for rationalization and avoidance. Thirty was a turning point in the development of coping styles. (2) The order of the control perception was environmental changes, relationships, emotions and life. The females could control their emotions better than males. (3) We could regard avoidance as positive coping styles, and self-abusiveness as negative coping styles in the stressful situation of laid-off persons.
Psychological Exploration
教育部人文社会科学研究基地项目 (2 0 0 0ZDXMXLX0 0 4 )