利用太湖流域河网水质管理决策支持系统(TAIHU DSS),对2000年夏季望虞河应急调水进行了技术方案比较、论证,重点对望虞河引江应急调水过程中,常熟枢纽泵站运用、望虞河东岸分流与否及望虞河立交开闸前对底水的处理等不同条件下的望虞河入湖水量、水质等进行多方案比较,为望虞河启用泵站调水、东岸适当分流、先打开蠡河船闸处理望虞河底水的方案提供了决策的技术依据,并引发了对太湖流域引江济太工作的进一步深入研究和实践,是决策支持系统在实际工作中的成功应用之一.
Taihu Basin water quality management decision support system (Taihu DSS) was developed for water quality management of river network in Taihu Basin. In the summer of 2000 algal blooms occured in Taihu Lake. Wangyu river was considered as the pilot river drawing water from the Yangtze River to Taihu Lake to solve the problem under emergancy time. So Taihu DSS was used to study the technique scenarios for drawing water from the Yangtze River to Taihu Lake through Wangyu river in different ways. To compare with the water quantity and water quality of Wangyu river entering Taihu Lake in different scenarios, the scenario that Wangyu river waster water was discharged through Li river gate into Grand Channel was adopted, which made Wangyu river drawing water from the Yangtze River to Taihu lake successfully in 2000, and deepened further research and the test.
Journal of Lake Sciences