研究台湾岛北端八斗子港和南部大鹏湾的污损生物,其湿重两个港均偏小(1 42和1 68kg/m2).共记录60个物种,两个港的共有种仅7种.八斗子港的28种中,优势种花石莼、变化短齿蛤、缘齿牡蛎、纹藤壶和冠瘤海鞘.大鹏湾29种动物中,优势种是3种管栖端足类(C.insidiosum,E.brasiliensis,E.hoobeno)、3种海鞘(P.constellotum,D.areolatum,S.canopus)、多室草苔虫和沙筛贝,后者是外来物种,还有双凸双眉藻等12种硅藻.两处的污损生物群落各自反映了亚热带和热带两类半封闭港湾污损生物的生态特点.
Two sites are selected for the study of biofoulings, the Badouzi Harbour in the north of Taiwan, China and the Dapeng Harbour in the south. The result shows that the wet weight of biofoulings in these two harbours is low (142 and 108 kg/m2 respectively). Totally, 60 species were recorded, only 7 of which were shared by these two harbours. Of 28 species recorded in the Badouzi Harbour, the dominant species are Ulua conglobata, Brachidontes variabilis, Dondostrea crenalifera, Balanus a. amphitrite and Styela canopus. Of 29 species recorded in the Dapeng Harbour, the dominant species are three species of seasquirts (P. constellotum, P. areolatum and S. canopus), Bugula neritina, three speciex of tube amphipod (C. insidiosum, E. brasiliensis and E. hoobeno), Mytilopsis sallei (alien species) and 12 species of diatoms, The biofoulings in these two half-closed harbours reflect the characteristics of subtropical and tropical harbours.