The Heping Square landslide zone of Wanzhou (for short HPLSZ) , in the Three Gorges reservoir region which is located on the north bank of Changjiang, is at the intersection of Changjiang and its branch Zhuxi river. It is one of the four major landslides in the Three Gorges reservoir region. The geological body of HPLSZ is a loose mixed accumulation, which includes human activity accumulation, collapse-slide accumulation, weathering residual deposits and alluvium. Substance characteristics of HPLSZ testify it true that accumulation of HPLSZ is not a large single one, but it had being accumulated step by step with the earth 's crust uplifting slowly while bed of Changjiang river cutting down. This is very important for the prevention of HPLSZ slide and bank collapse.
Hubei Geology & Mineral Resources