“突发危机”是当代社会中常见的重大问题。危机管理,亦即对危机的预防、控制与消解的一系列努力,这不仅是一个政治问题、经济问题或武力问题,还是一个语言问题。社会危机就其根本,多为因利益而起,但在一个相对均衡的格局中,冲突的直接表现常常不是利益而是面子。在政治危机中,物质利益的得失与利益集团的人群可以是分子与分母的关系,当得失数额确定后,利益集团成员的基数越大,则公众感受到的损失越小;而面子的得失与利益集团成员数的关系是乘数与被乘数的关系,面子得失确定,人群基数越大,则公众感受到的得失就越大。而面子问题在某种意义上可以说就是语言问题。这意味着,首先,一切冲突的解决都离不开合适的定位,而对冲突的任何定位都离不开语言。其次,在应对冲突的各种行为中,语言行为是费效比最为经济的一种。第三,任何冲突的解决要获得足够的面子,都离不开语言的有效描述。 危机管理中的语用问题可以概括为“WWW”,亦即WHO谁说、WHEN什么时候说、HOW怎么说。由此,可得:(1)“序言”准则(2)话语权准则(3)时间准则(4)适度过激准则(5)清晰准则(6)差别化准则。
The 'emergent crisis' is a frequent and important problem in contemporary society. The management of crisis, that is, efforts to prevent, control and resolve a crisis, is not only a political, economic or military matter, but also a language matter. In essence a social crisis largely arises from benefit; however, the direct expression of a conflict, in a relatively balanced situation, tends to be face (sensibilities) instead of benefits. In a political crisis material gain and loss and the multitude of a beneficial group may have a relation of numerator to denominator. Once the amount of gain or loss is determined, the larger the base of a beneficial group is, the less the loss that the public experiences is. The relationship between the gain or loss of face and a beneficial group is the one between multiplier and multiplicand . Once the gain or loss of face is determined, the larger the base of the multitude is, the larger the gain or loss that the public experiences is. In a sense a face matter is just a language matter. It means that the solution of every conflict can not be separated from its proper orientation and any orientation of a conflict can not be separated from language, that language action is the most economic of all actions dealing with a conflict, and that in order to acquire sufficient face the solution of any conflict can not be separated from an effective language description. The pragmatic issue in the management of crisis can be generalized into three W' s: Who, When, and What. As a result, we may have: (1) the principle of 'preface', (2) the principle of speech right, (3) the principle of time, (4) the appropriately extremist principle, (5) the principle of clarity, and (6) the principle of difference.
Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)