介绍了人机交互的遗传算法的基本原理 ,论述了用人机交互的遗传算法挖掘股票投资风险规则的算法思想和关键问题 ,包括规则的表示与编码、适应度函数的定义以及交叉、变异和选择操作 ,提出了基于人机交互遗传算法的股票投资风险规则挖掘算法 .应用该算法从股票交易数据库中挖掘一段时间内股票涨跌与其属性之间的关系 .实验结果表明该算法是可行的和有效的 .人机交互的遗传算法对于挖掘股票投资风险规则以及求解人机合作的“可操作性”问题 。
This paper introduces the basic principle of human-computer interactive genetic algorithm and discusses the main idea and the key problems of mining stock investment risk rules with human-computer interactive genetic algorithm, including the representation and encoding of rule, the definition of fitness function, crossover,mutation and selection operators. A human-computer interactive genetic-based algorithm for mining stock investment risk rules is presented. We have mined stock price fluctuation rules on stock exchange database with the algorithm. The experiment states that the algorithm is feasible and efficient. The human-computer interactive genetic algorithm provides an effective approach for mining stock investment risk rules, as well as for the problem of maneuverability of human-computer interaction.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
国家自然科学基金 ( 79970 0 92 )资助项目