香榧(Torreya grandis Fort ex Lindl)成熟植株营养芽的季节生长可分四个时期:休眠期、叶扩展期、芽鳞形成期和新的顶芽形成期。在整个生长周期中,苗端始终保持一定的分区形式。但各区繁简在不同发育阶段不尽相同。淀粉在苗端的分布及消长也具分区特性,与细胞组织学分区完全一致。
This article is dealing with the structure and the histochemical changes in the shoot apex of Torreya grandis in the growing seasons.The results of observation are summerized as follows: The vegetative bud in mature plant can be devided into four periods:the resting period, the period of bud expansion,the period of bud scale formation and the period of develop- ment of new terminal bud.In the whole growing cycle,the vegetative apex always mainta- ins a certain kind of zonation:the apical initials,the subapicat group,the peripheral tissue zone and the rib meristem.In various periods of development,the composition of different zones is nora all the same.Meanwhile,the distribution and fluctuation of starch in the apex change from zone to zone,and parallel to the change of structure.