亚洲杉木[Cunninghamia asiatica(Krassil.)comb.nov.]是一个广布于我国东北、华北及苏联西伯利亚地区的早白垩世化石种。该种以往定为 Elatocladus manchurica 或 Elatidesasiatica。通过详细对比,发现它与现生杉木属植物无论枝叶形态,还是表皮结构均很相似,从而确立了该种的自然分类位置。同时,也把杉木属的演化史自晚白垩世至少追溯到早白垩世。
Cunninghamia asiatica (Krassilov) comb.nov.was an early Cretaceous plant which was widely distributed over North and North-East China and Siberia.It was previously identified as Elatocladus manchurica (Yak) or Elatides asiatica (Yak).Present paper combines them into Cunninghamia mainly based on the similarities of the morphological and epidermal chara- cteristics between the fossil species and living Cunninghmia (table 1 and 2),and dates the history of Cunninghamia back to Early Cretaceous.