1Guidelines and procedures for the negotiations on trade in services, http: ∥ www. wto. org/english/news_e/pres01_e/pr217_e. htm.
2Communication from the United States,Desirability of a Safeguard Mechanism for Services: Promoting Liberalization of Trade in Services S/WPG R/W/37, 2 October 2001, from http: ∥docsonline. wto. org.
3Aaditya Mattoo, Developing Countries in the New Round of GATS Negotiations: From a Defensive to a Pro-Active Role, in Bernand Hokeman and Will Martin ed., Developing Countries and the WTO: A Pro- Active Agenda,Blackwell Publishers, 2001, pp. 75 - 77.
5Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China, Part Ⅱ - Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services and List of Article ⅡMFN Exemptions, WT/ACC/CHN/49/Add. 2,1 October 2001, from http: ∥doesonline. wto. org.
6Commmication fron the United States,Emergency Safeguards, S/WPGR/W/17, 13March 1997, from http: ∥docsonline. wto. org.
7Communication from ASEAN, Concept Paper: Elements of a Possible Agreed Draft of Rules on Emergency Safeguard Measures for Trade in Services (GATS Article X) , S/WPGR/W/30, 14 March 2000, from http:∥docsonline. wto. org.
7Aaditya Matto, Developing Countries in the New Round of GATS Negotiations: From a Defensive to a Pro - Active Role, in Bethand Hokeman and Will Martin ed. , Developing Countries and the WTO: A Pro- Active Agenda Blackwell Publishers, 2001, pp. 75-77.
8See,Rudolf Adlung,''Negotiations on Safeguards and Subsidies in Services:A Never-Ending Story?'' Journal of Internatioinal Economic Law,Vol.10,NO.2 (2007).pp.235-265.
9See,Rudolf Adlung,''Services Negotiations in the Doha Round:Lost in Flexibilit?'' Journal of International Economic Law,Vol.9,No.4 (2006).pp.865-893.
10See.Communication from ASEAN-Concept Paper:Elements of a Possible Agreed Draft of Rules on Emergency Safeguard Measures for Trade in Services (GATS Article X),S/WPGR/W/30.