基于B/S结构的OA系统,受浏览器的限制,在进行数据录入和数据校验时,如何保证用户使用的方便性、实时性以及安全性是企业Web OA系统开发实践中的难点问题。对此提出了5种技术解决方案,每个方案都按照方案概述、体系流程描述、难点问题解决过程描述以及方案优缺点描述的顺序进行说明,并对5种方案从用户需求的角度做了比较。
When Designing and Developing OA (Office Automation) systems based B/S infrastructure, the data collecting and the data-verifying module are the necessary elements of the OA system. It a great difficulty to implement these two modules for the end-user with the convenience, real-time and the application security. In this paper, five practical solution and given, compared and analyzed.
Railway Computer Application