在 1~ 4号 5 0 MW抽汽式汽轮机扩容改造的基础上 ,对 5号机实施了以扩容和提高内效率为双重目标的第二轮技术改造。改造后 ,机组除额定容量由 5 0 MW增加到 60 MW以外 ,机器组的内效率亦比改造前提高了 5 .3 3 % ,取得了更为良好的经济效益与社会效益。表 3参
On the base of No.1 to No.4 50 MW suction turbines' alteration of increasing power capacity, we have carried out technological alteration on No.5 suction turbine units in order to increase its power capacity and improve its internal efficiency. Now, not only the power capacity has been increased from 50MW to 60MW, but also the internal efficiency of the units has been increased 5.33 percent than before. We have gained both good social efficiency and bettern economical efficiency. Tables 3 and refs 2.
Power Engineering