本试验是在潮棕壤上进行了 10年的定位试验 .研究了在养分循环再利用的基础上采取不同施肥制度下作物养分移出量 ,并结合施肥量计算出土壤中N、P、K养分收支 .结果表明 ,在保持农业系统养分循环再利用的基础上 ,根据养分供给力设计化肥施用量 ,不仅可实现作物高产 ,而且可平衡土壤养分收支 ,避免土壤中肥料养分过剩 (主要是N)进入环境 .并揭示了我国在 2 0世纪 70年代以前大面积农田土壤缺P和 80年代农田土壤大面积缺K的原因 .
A long term experiment was carried out on a damp palm soil about ten years under the condition of nutrient recycling and reutilization. The quantity of crop nutrients transferred from the system,and the nutrient budget of N,P and K in soil were studied. The results of a ten year field experiment indicated that the use of nutrients recycled in the farming systems with appropriate amount of fertilizers applied according to the soil nutrient supplying ability could not only produce high crop yield, but also balance the soil nutrient budget,so that,there were no significant surplus of nutrients (mainly inorganic nitrogen) which might emit or leach out of soil into environment.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 (KZCX2 413 4)
中国科学院"九.五"科技攻关重点资助项目 (KZ95 2 JI 2 14 )