目的 观察长龙通、石杉碱甲(HuP-A)联合治疗多梗死性痴呆(MID)对血液学部分指标的影响及临床疗效。方法 观察组31例,长龙通注射液250mg,静脉滴注,1次/d,14d为1疗程,共1疗程;HuP-A25mg,3次/d。对照组30例,以复方丹参注射液与吡硫醇联合治疗为主。以治疗1个月为统计界限。以治疗前和治疗1个月后全血粘度、血浆粘度、血小板(PLT)计数和粘附试验(PAdT)、PLT聚集(PAgT)、血脂、出血时间(BT)、凝血时间 (BCT)、乙酰胆碱脂酶(AchE)、记忆智商(MQ)、智能评分(MMSE)、临床疗效为观察指标。结果 1个月后,观察组病人全血粘度、血浆粘度、PAdT、PAgT、血脂及AchE比治疗前明显改善(P<0.05或0.01),对PLT计数、BT及BCT影响不显著(P>0.05);对照组对上述参数均改善不明显(P>0.05);观察组临床疗效显著高于对照组 (P<0.05)。结论 长龙通、石杉碱甲联合通过改善血液学部分参数达到提高MID病人临床疗效的目的。
Objective To observe the influence of changiongtong plus huperzine A on some haematological indeses in multi-infarct dementia (MID) and its clinical effect. Methods Thirty-one patients were enrolled in the therapy group in which changiongtong injection was administered at the dosage of 250mg/d via venous dropping for fourteen days. Also, thirty controls were enrolled in the control group in which therapy mainly depended on composite radix salviae miltiorrhizae injection plus pyritinol. Indxes in all the patoents were assessed statistically when one month had passed since the start of their therapy. Indexes consisted of blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, platelet count, platelet adhesion test(PAdT), patelet aggregation test ( PAgT , blood lipid, bleeding time ( BT ), blood coagulation time ( BCT ), acetylcholinesterase ( AchE ).memory quotient, ( MMSE ) and clinical curative effect. Results In the therapy group, such indexes as blood viscosity, plasma viscosity. PAdT, PAgT, blood lipid and AchE were inclined to being significantly improved (P<0.05, or P<0.01 ),and there was no significant influence on platelet count, BT and BCT (P>0.05). In the control group, no any significant index changes had appeared by that time (P>0.05 ). The curative effect of therapy group was better than that of the control group (P<0.05 ). Conclusion It is deemed that the combination of changiongtong and huperzine A leads to a better clinical effect on patients with MID through improving some indexes.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers