目的 观察笑气吸入镇痛用于人工流产的疗效及安全性。方法 选择216例自愿要求终止妊娠者,随机分为镇痛组110例,对照组106例,镇痛组吸入笑气(50%N2O:50%O2),并给予心理疏导,对照组不用任何药物,分别观察镇痛效果、生命体征变化、宫颈松弛情况、手术时间、术中出血、手术并发症等。结果 镇痛组镇痛效果显著,有效率为90.9%,生命体征平稳,宫颈口变松弛,平均手术时间,手术并发症发生率明显低于对照组,差异均有显著性(P<0.01),术中出血两组无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 笑气吸入镇痛是一种有效、安全、简便、副作用少的无痛人流方法。
Objective To evaluate the effect and security of the inhalation of nitrous oxide premixed with oxygen(50%: 50%) for analgesia in artificial abortion. Methods Two hundred and sixteen patients of pregnancy period for five to forteen weeks , undergoing elective artificial abortion were randomly divided into control and comparison groups. One hundred and ten cases of the control group were provided with nitrous oxide premixed with oxygen(50%:50%)and psychological leading . one hundred and six cases of the comparison group were not provided anything. Recording analgesia effect, chang of vital sign, state of cervices laxity . duration of operation , bleeding volume. operation syndrome among all patients. Results The effect for analgesia in artificial abortion was remarkable, efficiency amounts to 90.9%, the vital sign was on an even keel, the cervices became lax, the duration of operation shortened , the artificial abortion syndrome lessened. The differences of listed above aspects between the two groups was very distinct (P<0.01), but there was no significant difference in bleeding volume (P>0.05 ) . Conclusion The inhalation of nitrous oxide premixed with oxygen (50%:50% )and psychological leading for analgesia in artificial abortion is an efficient, safe. easy and few side effects method .
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers