目的 探讨多频扫描声导纳测试对病变累及中耳的耳硬化症的诊断价值。方法 将20例(28耳)得到证实的病变累及中耳的耳硬化症患者及14例(28耳)正常者两组实验对象分别进行多频扫描声导纳测试得出共振频率(即最接近△B=0mmho的频率值)及△θ值,并对资料进行分析和统计学处理。结果 正常组共振频率明显高于耳硬化症组,差异非常显著(P<0.01)。但是△θ值两组交叉较多,且差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论 多频扫描声导纳测试对于病变累及中耳的耳硬化症的诊断有价值。
Objective To detect the value of using sweep-frequency in diagnosis of middle ear impaired otosclerosisMet hods 20 (28ears) surgery or CT proved middle ear impaired otosclerosis patients and 14(28ears) normal subjects were tested by sweep- frequency tympanometry to find out their resonance frequencies and statistic analysis were done among them. Results The resonance frequencies of normal subjects were significantly higher than those of otosclerosis group while the phase angles were of no significant difference. Conclusion It is worth to use sweep-frequency tympanometry in diagnoisis of middle ear impaired otosclerosis.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers