目的 建立一种能客观评价手指掌侧瘢痕挛缩程度的的计分方法,为手术提供依据。方法286例患者按关节屈曲度、缺损程度、瘢痕与肌腱是否粘连、瘢痕形成时间及年龄5方面计分。按5-7分、8-11分、12-15分分别归属轻、中、重度挛缩组,各组互相比较。结果 各组手术难易及采用的修复方法有明显差异。结论 该计分方法是一种较客观的瘢痕评价方法,对选择手术方式有指导意义。
Objective To extablish an objective score method to evaluate cicartrical contracture of finger pulp for operation purpose. Methods 286 patients were divided into 3 groups (score 5-7, 8-11,12-15 respectively ) according to their scores from joint flexture, skin defect, abhesion of scar to tendon, scar occurring time, and age of patient. Results Different reconstruction procedures were used in different groups. Conclusions This cicartrical contracture score is relatively objective for scar evaluation and maybe helpful to operation procedure.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers