目的 探讨中药烧伤膏1号联合削痂治疗小面积Ⅲ度烧的疗效。方法 常规清创和削、切痂后,局部贴敷中药烧伤膏Ⅰ号,创面溶脱,液化前隔日换药,以后每日换药直至创面愈合。结果 全部病例均未植皮,创面愈合良好,愈合时间25-48d,82%(59/72)病例在5周内治愈。结论 该法不需植皮,愈合快,瘢痕轻,不失为是治疗小面积深度烧伤的有效方法之一。
Objective To study the curative effects of No.1 burn ointment of traditional Chinese medicine on small third -degree hum . Methods After routine debridement. peeling and cutting crusts No. 1 burn ointment was applied topically . and the ointment was renewed every other day before decrustation and liquefaction of the wounded surface. and then renewed every day till healing . Results All patients did not receive skin grafting. Healing of the wounded surface was good. and healing lime was from 25 to 48 days. 82%(59/92) patients were cured within 5 weeks. Conclusion This method did not need skin grafting and healing was fast, and cicatrization were slight . So it is an effective method to be used to treat small deep burn.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers