讨论了电子地图支持下的控制网设计 ,将地理环境信息、网优化设计理论、技术设计规程相融合 ,介绍了“大地网技术设计系统”的基本功能 ,从技术角度探讨了其软件开发的 4个关键技术。此类软件的开发和应用 ,可以代替测量规范中有关技术设计部分的操作 ;这也是大地测量生产中软件开发向可视化和支持质量控制发展的方向。
In this paper, the method of geodetic network technical design in support of electronic map is discussed, integrating geographic environmental information, network optimization theory and technical design specifications. The basic functions of Geodetic network technical design systemare introduced. Four key techniques to develop network design software are discussed. This kind of software being used in practice, the operations defined in geodetic specifications can be substituted. At the same time, this kind of software represents the direction of software development in geodetic production, i.e. in direction of visualization and supporting quality control.
Journal of Institute of Surveying and Mapping