With the etelric power industry developing in our country, the nets of high voltage transmis-sion lines will gradually spread over all the country. The interference of high voltage transmission lines(i. e. superpower eletro-transmission lines) to the field sesmic exploration will certainly rise up rapid-ly. To reduce the interference appearing in seismic records caused by the 50Hz high voltage of superpower transmission lines, 50Hz notch filter in seismic exploration instruments has been set up and idealresult is achieved. In the paper, by analysing theoretically the interference brought to seismic explo-ration survey line by the super power transmission line, we have recognized that main effect factorcausing 50Hz interference in seismic records in the interferential area of the super power transmissionline is rather magnetic effect than electric effect. And several measures are also suggested to treat theinterference in seismic exploration.
seismic exploration
high voltage transmission line
optical cable
alternating current
electro-magnetic field
notch filter