

Check Back the prototypes of the Characters in A Dream of Red Mansions——Also on the Principle of Correspondence of Both Personages in A Society And A Novel
摘要 《红楼梦》具有一定意义的自传性 ,其小说人物原型多取自作者的亲友。然而 ,胡适、俞平伯、周汝昌等老一辈学者倡言 ,且获得到广大读者信从的观点 ,即曹雪芹为贾宝玉 ,雪芹“父兆页即宝玉父贾政”的结论 ,其实是错了一辈。今据曹氏一家与贾氏一家比照寻绎 ,贾政对应的是曹寅 ,宝玉对应的是曹寅之子曹颜 ,作为曹寅孙子的曹雪芹 ,其对应者乃贾政的孙子贾兰。小说的对应原则基本是将生活原型平移到小说中。其对应中心轴为曹寅对应贾政。找出这一对应关系有助于破解《红楼梦》 A Dream of Red Mansions is an autobiography to certain extent.The prototypes of the characters in it were usually writer's relatives and friends.However,some senior scholars such as Hu Shi,Yu Ping bo,Zhou Fu chang and so on put forward a principle as that Cao Xue qin was Jia Bao yu,and a following outlook of father Fu was Bao yu′s father Jia Zheng.Both have been recognized by many readers.Unfortunately,one generation of those readers are really misled by the above judgement.Now,by comparing the family of the Cao's with the Jia's,it is clear that Jia Zheng corresponding to Cao Yin,Bao yu to Cao Yin's son,Cao Yin's grandson Cao Xue qin to Jia Zheng's grandson Jia Lan.The principle of correspondence formed basically by that the personages in the novel were moved from their prototypes in life.The central axle of correspondence is Cao Yin namely Jia Zheng.A find about the corresponding relations is helpful to unveil the mystery about who was the writer of the novel.
作者 徐乃为
出处 《南都学坛(人文社会科学学刊)》 2002年第6期44-50,共7页
关键词 《红楼梦》 人物原型 小说 人物形象 A Dream of Red Mansiong Personages in the novel Prototypes in life Principle of correspondence Unidentified writer
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