近代中国内外交困 ,社会危机日益加剧 ,许多进步的文化人纷纷投入到编辑出版事业中 ,如主张打开国门看世界的魏源 ,提出“救国新民”的梁启超 ,倡导兴民权的章士钊、章太炎 ,高呼“公益和商业”的邵飘萍等等 ,他们把救亡图存的爱国热情倾注于编辑事业中 。
Due to the domestic trouble and foreign invasion in the old society,many celebrities of culture participated the edition & press work such as WEI Yuan who suggested that open door policy must be adopted for understanding foreign countries;LIANG Qi-chao who put forward the idea of saving the country and help the people;ZHANG Shi-zhao,ZHANG Tai-yan advocated democracy and public interest;SHAO Piao-ping's ideas of promotion of business.The all-above mentioned social cultural figures made great efforts in mass media work thus urged Chinese copiling thinking's progress & cultural prosperous.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College