塔里木河中下游地区是南疆社会经济发展较快的地区 ,人类活动对塔河干流区生境干扰 ,在该区域表现得也较为突出 ,严重地影响了整个南疆地区的发展。在西部大开发中 ,塔河中下游的整治是基础建设的前提和保证 ,基础设施建设必须与塔河中下游整治结合起来。
The middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River is the region of developing much rapidly.At the same time,this region is also the one of being disturbed much.In the course of the west exploitation,the infrastructure construct in the region should be integrated with the river' control,the later is the base and precondition.
Environmental Protection of Xinjiang