发展农村体育事业 ,繁荣农村体育文化 ,开展群众喜闻乐见、文明健康的体育活动 ,是群众精神文明创建活动的重要内容。本文通过对北京市 13个郊区县的农村群众发放调查问卷进行调查及对《全民健身计划纲要》第一期工程实施情况的相关数据进行统计分析 ,得出农村群众体育的开展情况 ,并分析主要存在的问题、提出相关的对策 ,为市体育局制订相关群众体育政策 ,指导农村群众的全民健身活动提供翔实可靠的数据及依据。
To develop rural physical education cause, to bring about the prosperous rural physical culture and to develop civilized and healthy physical activities, which the mass loves to see and hear, are the important contents of the promotion of mass cultural and ideological progress. Questionnaire investigation was made in the mass of 13 suburb counties of Beijing. The correlated data of implementing the first period of the project of the 'National Fitness Program' in China were analyzed statistically. The situation of the rural mass sport development was found, the main existent problems were analyzed and correlative countermeasures were put forward to provide reliable, full and accurate data and gist for Beijing Sport Administration to establish the mass sports policy and to direct the rural mass physical fitness activity.
Journal of Beijing Sport University
2 0 0 0- 2 0 0 1年度北京市体育局基金项目课题