青海云杉黄卷蛾ArchipscrassifolianusLiu在甘肃祁连山东段林区一年发生 1代 ,以 2龄幼虫在寄主新梢基部及轮芽处越冬 ,翌年 5月中旬开始活动为害 ,6月上旬达到盛期。幼虫 2~ 3龄时用 5 0 %杀螟松、 80 %敌敌畏乳油 10 0倍弥雾 ,防治效果均达到 90 %以上。用含芽孢 3~ 4亿 /ml苏云金杆菌喷雾 ,防治效果可达到 75 %。
Archips crassifolianus Liu has one generation a year in Tianzhu Forest Area of Qilian Mountains and overwinters as the 2nd instar larva in the hosts base of new shoots and buds.It begins to attack the hosts in mid May the next year with a peak in the first ten days of June. Spraying 50% fenitrothion and 80% dichlorvos EC diluted to 100 times can kill 90% of the pest.
Forest Pest and Disease