20世纪 70年代中期以来 ,智利、墨西哥、阿根廷等国家对国有企业进行了改革 ,其特点是围绕私有化展开 ,各具特色 ,又不拘一格且不乏共性和同步性。这些国家的国有企业实施私有化改革后 ,曾取得了提高经济效益、减轻财政负担的积极效果 ,但也造成了大量失业、两极分化和金融动荡等负面影响 ,为经济的长期发展埋下隐患。其改革的经验和教训对中国当前的国有企业改革有一定的借鉴意义。
The countries in Latin-America , such as Chile, Mexico and Argentina have been carrying out the reform to the state-owned enterprises since 70's of 20th century which characterized by the privatization process, although the reforms of these countries have different characters, but there have been common features and common steps. The privatization of the state-owned enterprises in these countries has raised the economic efficiency, and has eased the financial burden of government, but it also has caused the drastic increase of unemployment, the expansion of the income gap and the financial turbulence which are the potential problems of the long term economic development . China should draw both the experiences and lessons from them in the reform of state-owned enterprises at present.
Northeast Asia Forum
人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"外国国有企业研究" (项目代码为2 0 0 1ZDXM790 0 0 7)的研究成果