
论《论语》的主要作者 被引量:2

On Major Authors of the Analects
摘要 笔者提出郑玄说、程朱说和修正后的柳宗元说 ,是关于《论语》主要作者的三种主要观点 ,认为它们的基本分歧在于 :(1)是孔子弟子还是再传弟子为《论语》作者的主体 ?(2 )在《论语》创作过程中 ,是经历了群贤录写、主要人物编辑成书、曾门增补三个阶段 ,还是群贤录写、曾门编定两个阶段 ?为了论证弟子的参与广度 ,笔者考察了《论语》的重复章节 ;为了考证曾参死前《论语》是否成篇 ,考察了《学而篇》的成文时间。在肯定了弟子主体说和三阶段说的基础上 ,笔者力图通过建构更为完善的理论模式来确定主要作者。经过几个参量形成的考证体系的量化结果 ,认为子贡、子夏、子张、子游、曾参是《论语》的主要作者 ,而他们正是《子张第十九》的纪言主体。这就发现 ,弟子专篇原是《论语》主要作者的一种特有的标志方式。 This paper narrows down the diversified hypotheses on the author of the Analects to three major ones, namely Zheng Xuan, Cheng Zhu and Liu Zongyuan revised. The chief disputes are found to be (1) whether the major writers of the Analects were disciples of Confucius or pupils of those disciples; and (2) whether the writing of the Analects went through the three stages of various sages' writing work, a few pens' editing effort and final supplementing stroke or the two stages of various sages' writing work and subsequent compilation. In order to prove the extent of involvement of Confucius's disciples, the overlapping chapters of different versions have been studied, and effort has been made to pin down the time when the chapter 'On Study' was first down in black and white to find out whether the Analects took shape before Zeng Can passed away. Convinced that the major writers were Confucius's disciples and there were three stages of creative work, the author of this paper tries to trace the major writers within an up-to-date theoretical framework. Through a statistical study of the results of several referents, Zi Gong, Zi Xia, Zi Zhang, Zi You and Zeng Can are proven the major writers of the Analects. They happen to be the major voices in 'Zi Zhang X IX', and thus it is discovered that 'The Anthology of Disciples' is a way of marking the major authors.
作者 张信
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2002年第5期41-46,共6页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 《论语》 主要作者 五子主纂 the Analects, major authors, five major writers
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