王鸣盛是清朝乾嘉时期著名学者 ,学识渊博 ,著述宏富 ,深为学术界所推重 ,其在史评方面亦有精辟独到的见解。王鸣盛以据事直书为准绳来衡量史书优劣 ;从体例选择、内容繁简及文笔优劣等具体方面评说史书编纂 ,探讨史籍的真实性、思想性及其美学价值 ;在考据切实的基础上 ,大胆翻案 ,力辟众议 ,对一些史事人物作出不媚时俗却甚为公允的评价。其中不少是填补空白、启导后学的创见 ,显示了其博大的眼光和非凡的胆识 。
Wang Ming sheng,an eminent scholar in the reign of Qianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty,is held in great esteem by academic circles for his erudite knowledge and prolific writings.This paper comments upon his penetrating and unique viewpoints about historical criticism.He weighed up historical records by the criterion of historical facts,evaluated the compiling of historical records according to the layout,the content as well as the style of writing,and probed into the authenticity,ideological content and aesthetic value of historical records.On the basis of reliable historical facts,he boldly and violently refuted unjustified historical statements,and made an impartial but not obsequious evaluation of some historical characters.Many of his original ideas which filled in the preceding gaps and enlightened the following scholars revealed his broad foresight and extraordinary courage,which is just the most distinctive feature of Wang′s historical criticism.
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
Wang Ming sheng
historical criticism
textual research