私小说是产生于日本 ,影响到中国现代文学的一种小说形式。中、日私小说存在着明显的差异。日本私小说的“自我”是自我封闭、不求进取 ,向内深深的反省 ;而中国私小说中的“自我”却在喟叹感伤中潜伏着进取、反抗、并伺机向外扩张个性。造成这种差异的原因 ,主要是因为作家的个人境遇。
Among the foreign literatures modern Japanese literature Ras a closest relation to the modern Chinese literature,especially the Private novels,which originating from Japan and had a great influence on the being and going of Chinese private novels,are the example of these and those.The aim of this article is to analyze the'Ego'of the Chinese and Japanese Private novels,and to discover the cause of the difference and the similarity.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College