日本于 1 95 2年旧金山和约生效前虽因失去国家独立和主权而致外交空间狭小 ,但仍对东亚国际政治局面积极应对 ,即一面在美国的安排下 ,参与排斥中华人民共和国于和会之外 ,并推进与台湾的媾和 ;一面则在所有外交交涉中处心积虑为与大陆建立关系留下余地。在此过程中凸现的现实主义外交手法和原则对以后的日本政府的对华政策影响至深。
Prior to effectuation of the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1952,Japan was doing fine management to the international Politics of East Asia although its space was becoming narrow by diplomacy.Japanese government excluded the People's Republic of China from the San Francisco Peace Conference and made Peace with Taiwan as a result of American pressure,but deliberately planned to leave room to make negotiation with the People's Republic of China on diplomacy.This realistic diplomacy technique had significant influence on the diplomatic policy of the postwar Japanese government.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)