The rising and inheriting period of Luoxue theory was just the rising period of ancient Chinese popular novel.The time coincidence of these two cultural phenomena made the inheritance of Luoxue theory and the writing trend of ancient popular novel correlate with each other.It had expenenced five periods,they were:prosper,decline,reprosper,treasonous,revive.The spirit and theory of each period became the core of society thought.So it influenced popular novel and changed the trend of it.Firstly,the prosper period of Luoxue theory caused the truth trend of popular novel.Secondly,the reprosper period caused the trend of feudalism.Thirdly,Luoxue theory was influenced by treason and caused secular trend of popular novel.Forthly,the reviving period caused persuaing trend of popular novel.Through description and explaination of Luoxue theory theory and the writing trend of ancient Chinese popular novel,we can know the law of Luoxue theory and popular novel's development and idea.We can also reveal the Confucianist's cultural tradition influenced ancient Chinese popular novel.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry:Social Science Edition