目的 :为临床选择有效的烧伤治疗药物。方法 :分析烧伤机制及豫南中药传世秘方“张氏烧伤 (抗瘢痕 )秘药”的方剂组成、药理、炮制及临床疗效。结果 :张氏烧伤 (抗瘢痕 )秘药外敷配合应用抗生素 ,具有缓解剧痛、抗休克明显减少瘢痕形成、创造无痛烧伤治疗新理念的特点。结论 :“张氏烧伤 (抗瘢痕 )秘药”治疗烧伤效果比单用西药好 。
Objective:To select an efficient medicine of clinicial treatment for burn.Methods:The principle of burn,the formation of secret recipe of the Yunan traditional Chinese medicine Zhang's secret medicine for burn(againstscar) and its principle of production and the clinical curative effect were analysed.Results:The outerapply Zhang's secret medicing for burn (againstscar) coordinate the application of antibaterial and liquid supportion.It had lignten strong pain,agaist shock and reduce the rate of scar obviously,create a new theory of painless treatment for burn.Conclusions:Zhang's secret medicine for burn (againstscar) treat burn has better effect for only use western medicine,and fit clinicial popularize.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care