现代医学诊断、临床实践和医疗很大程度都依靠于多模式的医学图像 ,数字化医学图像技术的发展及图像设备种类和数目的增长 ,要求对医学图像进行协作处理 .网络技术的发展使传统的客户 /服务器 (Client/ Server)计算模式向以浏览器 /服务器 (Broswe/ Server)为代表的网络计算模式转变 ,为了适应网络计算的要求 ,合理地利用网络资源 ,加强应用间的协作性 ,本文通过对智能软件代理 (softeware agent)的研究 ,提出了基于软件代理的分布式协作框架 ,并对软件代理的结构进行了设计 .通过该系统框架在医学图像分割上的应用可以看出 ,该分布式协作方法能较好地满足网络计算环境的需要 ,具有良好的应用协作性 .
Modern medical diagnosis, clinical practice and therapy techniques are dependent on Multi _Modalites medical image. The increasing need for the medical image cooperation processing is caused by the development of the digital medical image techniques and the increse of the devices number and varieties . The conventional Client/Server computing model is transiting to the Browse / Server network computing model . In this paper , a distributed cooperative processing framework based on the intelligent software agent was presented and the architecture if the software agent was implemented to accommodate to the need of network computing , make use of the network resources and strengthen the cooperation between the applicaions. According to the application on the medical image segmentation , the framework was proved that it could meet the requirement of the network computing enviroment and have good application cooperation ability.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
自然科学基金项目 ( No.6 99310 10 )资助