钱钟书博学多才 ,学贯中西 ,被学术界尊崇为“文化昆仑”。时下 ,一些学者对钱钟书的学术地位质疑 ,认为钱钟书治学多是“吊书袋” ,在学术上没有重大建树。本文对此持不同的态度 ,并以钱钟书读莱辛的《拉奥孔》后所著的两篇文章为例 ,探究其治学门径 ,认为钱钟书治学严谨 ,对前人理论采取了“述而有作”的态度。将钱钟书与同时代的学者朱光潜、王朝闻等作比较 。
Qian Zhongshu is a learned and talented scholar known to the whole world,and is referred to as a cultural giant. Nowadays, some scholars try to question the academic position of Qian, comparing his pursuing of studies to 'a bag for suspending books', thinking that he did not make important academic contributions. This paper presents a different view, trying to find out his research approaches based on his two articles that appeared after he read G. E. Lessing's works Laokoon , and believes that Qian's scholarly researches were done in preciseness. His attitude towards past theories was 'expressing with creation'. In comparison with scholars of his time such as Zhu Guangqian and Wang Chaowen, Qian's brightness in wisdom can be better seen.
Journal of Guizhou Educational College(Social Science Edition)