随着中国加入 WTO,中国的保险业面临着更大的挑战 ,如何在短时期内克服中国保险业的一些历史性问题 ,迅速与国际惯例接轨 ,是中国保险业进一步健康发展的关键 ,面对 WTO的挑战 ,适时的创新与规范的监管无疑是保险业实现进一步发展的途径 。
After China's entry into the WTO, China's insurance is faced with a bigger challenge. How to release the pressure that comes from the international market and smooth the historic problems is a crux of the further development of China's insurance. Undoubtedly , facing the challenge of the WTO , the timely innovation and the standard management are the best ways to accelerate the national insurance.