万家寨水库调度的好坏 ,不仅关系到枢纽本身的效益 ,同时也影响着下游天桥电站的效益和黄河北干流内其他待建的梯级电站的开发 ,甚至直接关系黄河中游的断流与否。以 2 0 0 1年万家寨水库的运行情况为例 ,从万家寨水库的经济效益和社会效益两个方面 ,浅谈万家寨的水库调度。
The dispatch of Wanjiazhai Reservoir are not only related to the benefit of dam project,but also affect the benefit of Tianqiao Power Station downstream and the devlopment of step power stations to be built within the area of Yellow River north main stream,and even have direct relationship with water interception at middle reaches of Yellow River.Taking Wanjiazhai reservoir operation conditions in 2001 as an example,this article makes a discussion about dispatch of Wanjiazhai Reservoir from two aspects of economic benefit and social benefit.
Shanxi Electric Power