为了减轻电力基建预算人员的繁重劳动 ,提高生产率和预算的准确率 ,结合县级电力局业扩报装预算的特点 ,开发了一套实用的预算系统 ,其友好的人机界面适用于不同层次的基建预算人员。系统采用客户机 /服务器模式 ,充分考虑了多部门数据共享的需求 ,与业扩流程系统结合 ,规范了业务 。
To relieve the budgeters from their burdensome labors in power capital construction and improve the productivity and accuracy of budget,the budget scheme adaptable to county power bureau with friendly man machine interface is developed.Client Server mode is adopted and data sharing is fully considered.Operations are standardized in power operation expansion flow.Relations between departments are strengthened.
Information on Electric Power