目的 探讨连续环形撕后囊 (posteriorcontinuouscircularcapsulourhexis,PCCC)联合玻璃体前界膜刺开防止后发障的疗效和手术要点。方法 对 4 1例白内障患者行PHACO手术 ,术中连续环形撕后囊 ,撕囊直径控制在 3~4mm ,并在撕囊孔内“ +”形刺开玻璃体前界膜 ,然后囊袋内植入人工晶体。结果 4 1例白内障患者随访 10~ 12个月以 ,除 1例黄斑囊样水肿、2例撕囊孔偏离视中心外 ,未发现有后发障、视网膜脱离。结论 PCCC联合玻璃体前界膜刺开能有效防止后发障产生 ,并能避免因玻璃体切割而产生的并发症 。
Objective To discuss the operative key points and effects in prevention of after cataract with posterior continuous circular capsulourhexis(PCCC) combined vitrous anterior membrane discission.Methods PCCC was performed in phacoemulsification on 41 cataracts,and the diameters of post capsular tearing hole were 3~4 mm,through the hole the vitreous anterior membrane was cross excised,then PC?IOL was implanted in capsule bag.Results Following up 10~12 months after operation, no one had after cataract or retina detachment,but there was one macular edema,two decentred post capsular tearing holes.Conclusion PCCC combined ivtrous anterior membrane discission is an effective method in the prevention of after-cataract and has less complications than anterior vitreotomy.It is a wise choice particular in those patients who are found having post capsular opacity(PCO) during cataract operation.
Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)