采用 SM型气升式发酵罐对利福霉素发酵进行试验研究 ,以了解菌株 ZG1 78的生长与代谢基本规律 .采用补料分批发酵方法 ,获得一系列相关数据 ,推导出菌体生长与产物合成的动力学公式 :菌体生长速率与基质浓度关系可用 Contois方程表示 ,产物合成属于与生长无关型 .据此可将 SM型气升式发酵设备工业化 。
In SM airlift fermentor, the basic law of growth and metabolism of ZG178 is studied with the batch culture. Some parameter values and the kinetic formula on cell growth rate and product synthesis rate are acquired. The Contois formula is proved to be rational to describe the relationship between the cell growth rate of ZG178 and the concentration of the growth limiting substrate in the broth. The fermentation type is no related to growth. According to this , the SM airlift fermentor can be scaled up to industry very well.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Natural Science Edition