This thesis concerns the technology of vinegar-making and its development as recorded by Jia Sixie in his famous book Qi Min Yao Shu (Important Arts for the People's Welfare) during the Later Wei Dynasty. It consists of three parts. The first part makes a philological study of the terms in Jia's book which are related to vinegar. In the second part, the technology of vinegar-making is probed into in the book. Proceeding from processing of materials and controlling ferment water, temperature, acidity, alchohol degree, hygienic condition and preserving the vinegar produced, the first section of the second part discusses the use and preparation of 'yellow coating' which plays the role of vinegar-making, contrasts the 15 technologies of vinegar-making, and compares the 8 technologies for making bitter liquor from Shi Jing (Book on Food) chosen by Jia Sixie. The third part of the thesis deals with the impact of the technology of vinegarmaking on the technology of vinegar-making after the Sui-Tang period.
Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
Qi Min Yao Shu (Important Arts for the People's Welfare), technology of vinegar-making