
PET在咀嚼功能对中枢的影响研究中应用的初步探讨 被引量:21

Primary study of relationship between the mastication and brain function with PET
摘要 目的:探讨正电子发射断层(PET)在咀嚼运动对中枢影响的研究中的应用,即应用PET观察口腔行使咀嚼功能时脑功能的变化。材料与方法:应用PET对1例口腔解剖正常者在行使咀嚼50分钟进行检查。观察咀嚼50分钟时脑功能区的葡萄糖代谢的变化。结果:研究结果显示在正常咀嚼状况和静止时对比,咀嚼肌特别是颞肌的血流改变对脑PET的影像有较大的影响,脑PET影像并未有明显的改变。 在经过图像处理后对比分析,则可见在咀嚼运动时,大脑扣带回的前、后部和额顶部相当于中央后回部位图像的改变。结论:通过处理的PET影像可观察到咀嚼运动时在脑部相应功能区出现的葡萄糖代谢的变化,这些改变的意义有待在更多的病例深入探讨。 Objective: To analysis the effect on the Brain after mastication with positron emission tomography (PET).Materials and Methods: PET examination was taken for a normal person after masticated chewing gum 50min. Thecompare analysis was made. Results: There is no different between brain PET imaging whenever on mastication or restcondition, but effect of temporal muscle. After automatic image registration, the different is found between two conditions.It is found that light point to represented high glucose metabolism on front and back part of cingulated gurus and frontaland parietal part of postcentral gyrus. Conclusion: The automatic image registration of PET image is helpful for the studyof glucose metabolism of brain function area after mastication. Mastication can lead to a high glucose metabolism on frontand back part of cingulated gurus and postcentral gyrus.
出处 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》 2002年第4期212-214,共3页 Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics
基金 全军医药卫生科研基金(01MB081)
关键词 PET 咀嚼 口腔功能 脑功能 临床研究 oral function brain function mastication PET
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