目的 采用高效液相色谱法分析抗敏胶囊中主要成分(黄芩苷和淫羊霍苷)。方法 测定黄芩苷,以Diamosil C18柱(250mm×4.6mm)为色谱柱;0.05mol/L磷酸水溶液-乙腈(70:30)为流动相;流速1ml/min;检测波长277nm;测定淫羊霍苷,以Spherisorb C18(250mm×4.6mm)为色谱柱;乙腈-水-冰醋酸(22:78:0.1)为流动相;流速1ml/min;检测波长270nm。结果 黄芩苷的平均回收率为99.2%,淫羊霍苷的平均回收率为100.4%,符合分析要求,重复性试验的RSD分别为:黄芩苷0.84%,淫羊霍苷1.6%。结论 重复性试验结果良好。另外还对样品的提取条件和测定条件进行了优选,为评价含黄芩苷和淫羊霍苷类药材及其制剂的质量提供了一个灵敏、准确和快速的测定方法。
AIM To develop HPLC method for the determination of the main ingredients (Baicalin and Icariin) in Anti-allergy Capsules. METHODS The measurement conditions used as follows; For Baicalin, Diamosil C18 Column; mobile phase: 0. 05mol/L phosphate solution-Acetonitrile (70: 30) ; flow rate 1 ml/min; wavelength for measurement 277 nm;For Icariin, Spherisorb C18 column; mobile phase: Acetonitrile-water-acetate acid(22:78: 0. 1); flow rate 1 ml/min; wavelength for measurement 270 nm. The recovery rates for Baicalin and Icariin were 99. 2% and 100. 4% respectively and RSD of them were 0. 84% and 1. 6% respectively. CONCLUSION The procedure is simple and rapid. The results are stable and reproducible. The method can be used for evaluation of crude drugs and their preparations containing Baicalin and Icariin.
Journal of China Pharmaceutical University