目的 探讨小儿腹盆腔横纹肌肉瘤的CT表现特征。方法 对 12例经手术病理证实的腹盆腔横纹肌肉瘤的起源、形态、大小和组织学类型进行回顾性分析。结果 全部横纹肌肉瘤CT增强前后均表现为边界清楚的软组织肿块 ,平扫肿块密度基本均匀 ,增强后肿瘤周边区明显强化 ,内部强化不均。结论 腹盆腔横纹肌肉瘤好发于膀胱、前列腺和腹膜后及肝内外胆道 ,肿瘤无包膜 ,边界清楚 ,肿瘤的内部常发生变性坏死 ,增强后肿瘤的周边部分强化比内部明显。
Purpose To explore CT features of abdominal and pelvic rhabdomyosarcomas in children. Methods The origin,morphology,size,and histological type of 12 pediatric patients with abdominal and pelvic rhabdomyosarcomas were analyzed retrospectively. Results The margins and densities of all tumors were well defined and homogenous on plain CT scans.After administration of contrast media,the peripheral portions of lesions were strikingly enhanced and central portions enhanced heterogeneously. Conclusion The urinary bladder,prostate,retroperitoneum,vaginal and extrahepatic bile tracts are the commonest sites of abdominal and pelvic rhabdomyosarcomas,which are well circumscribed,but not encapsulated,and with various necrosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology