利用藻类的吸收、富积和降解作用 ,可有效地去除污水中的重金属和营养盐 ,还能降解多种有机毒物。与传统的污水处理方法相比 ,它具有原料低廉、吸附容量大、无二次污染、良好的选择性等优点。近年来 ,国内外对这项经济有效的净化污水的生物技术进行了广泛的研究。
Utilizing algae for its absorption,enrichment and gradation can effectively eliminate the heavy metals and nutrient salts in waste water and degrade various organic contaminants as well.Compared with the traditional way of purification,this way has the advantages in low raw material,big absorbing capacity,no secondary pollution and fine options etc.Recently preliminary research has been carried out at home and abroad on this economic and effective biotechnology of purification.This paper introduced the biotechnology of algae for sewage purification and the current status and progress of study in this area.
Chongqing Environmental Science