通过对解放碑商业中心区 1991~ 2 0 0 0年环境噪声监测结果的分析评价 ,比较了十年均噪声的时间分布污染和 1998~ 2 0 0 0年的季平均噪声的时间分布污染状况 ,得出该商业地区噪声污染在昼间 15∶ 0 0~ 17∶ 0 0最高、夜间在4∶ 0 0左右最低 ;四季中 ,秋季的昼间噪声最高 ,冬季的夜间的噪声最低 ,其昼间噪声的波动幅度也较小 。
The monitoring data of environmental noise were analyzed and assessed in Jiefangbei business center from 1991 to 2000.Law of the environmental noise variation in the area was obtained through analyzing the time-depend distribution of the noise pollution during the past ten years.It was found that law of the noise pollution was closely related to people's activity in the area.
Chongqing Environmental Science