

Surface Approximation Algorithm Based on Biorthogonal Nonuniform B-Spline Wavelets
摘要 针对B样条曲面逼近行扫描点集的问题中,应用最小二乘曲面逼近算法时重复计算线性系统,计算量逐渐增大的缺点,提出一种基于双正交非均匀B样条小波的曲面逼近方法.与传统最小二乘法相比,该方法逐行逐列拟合数据点仅需计算新增线性系统,提高了运算效率。 For the expensive compution cost caused by the least square surface approximation algorithm which computes linear systems repeatedly in approximating scanned data using B-spline surfaces,a surface approximation method based on biorthogonal nonuniform B-Spline wavelets is proposed.The approach only computes additional linear systems in fitting each row(column) of data points,which is more efficient compared with the traditional least square method.
出处 《公安海警学院学报》 2012年第1期68-71,75,共5页 Journal of China Maritime Police Academy
基金 福建省自然科学基金(2010J01318) 福建省教育厅B类基金(JB08047)~~
关键词 双正交小波 B样条 逼近 曲面 biorthogonal wavelets B-Spline approximation surface
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