

Reposting Number Prediction Based on the Model of Active Fans’ Reposting Influence
摘要 目前,微博已成为人们表达个人观点的重要渠道,也是舆论产生与传播的重要源头。从微博的转发传播规律入手,通过分析和挖掘活跃粉丝的历史转发规律,可以了解不同粉丝对于不同话题的关注程度及其转发影响力。因此,建立一个基于活跃粉丝的转发模型,可以刻画出微博传播效应,进而对特定微博的转发量进行预测。实验表明,相关模型能够大致估算特定微博的转发量,在舆情监测、微博营销以及个性化推荐等应用领域具有一定的实用价值。 At present, Weibo has become an important channel for people to express their personal views, and is also an important source of public opinion generation and dissemination. Starting from the reposting and propagation rules of Weibo, by analyzing and mining the historical reposting rules of active fans, we can understand the degree of attention of different fans on different topics and their reposting influence. Therefore,establishing a reposting model based on active fans can describe the Weibo propagation effect and predict the reposting amount of a specific microblog. Experiments show that the relevant model can roughly estimate the reposting amount of a specific microblog, and it has certain practical value in application fields such as public opinion monitoring, microblog marketing and personalized recommendation.
作者 张亮 印杰 胡春涛 ZHANG Liang;YIN Jie;HU Chun-tao
出处 《江苏警官学院学报》 2019年第1期116-121,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Police Institute
基金 2013年度国家社会科学基金项目"面向微博的舆情波动与扩散趋势预估模型研究"(编号:13BTQ046)
关键词 微博 用户特征 转发影响力 预测 Weibo user characteristics reposting influence prediction
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