Global oil and gas prices have been falling since June 2()14.The impact of the current low oil and gas prices on the Arab world is manifold.On the one hand,low oil and gas prices are expected to accelerate the economic transfonnation of the oil—producing countries in the Arab world;on the other hand,they will bring far一reaching impact onthe social domination base of the Arab countriesandregional governance structure,even on the hot issues in the Middle East.In the face of the pressure from depressed oil and gas prices,both Arab oil producers in the Gulf region and oil and gas producers and consumers such as Egypt have embarked on attempts to transform their social and economic dcvclopnicnt.Presently,the world economic growth is weak,the regional or-der is out of balance,and the global intcniational pattern is under transforma-tion.Against this background,there arc many uncertainties in the prospect of the development transition of the Arab countries.
Journal of International and Regional Studies
Middle East petroleum
Arab world
Oil and gas prices
Development transition