根据 新药审批办法及有关法规汇编五、新药药理毒理研究技术要求 "对昆明市中医医院药剂科提供的附片颗粒剂进行大鼠的长期毒性试验研究,目的在观察连续性 6 0d给予附片颗粒剂对实验动物所产生的毒性反应,中毒症状,毒作用靶器官。为临床用药的安全性作出科学的评估。
Rats were divided into high,middle,and low dosage groups on long-term toxicity test of Fupian granulae,The dosage were16,8 and 4 times of the normal clinical amount. In result, there is no rat died during experiment cycle and no obvious adverse effect. The weight of increasing,hematology test,biochemistry test is normal. There is no pathological change related to the Key words:Fupian Granulae rat long-term toxicity test
Yunnan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica