本文针对相位差式转矩转速传感器测量的基本原理 ,在分析转矩和转速测量方法的基础上 ,提出了一种在高速时采用变周波数的测周法 ,在低速时采用 T/M测速法的高精度测量转矩转速的新方案 ,并设计了以单片机为核心的测试仪硬件和软件 ,实验结果表明该仪器能够快速、准确地测出电机转矩转速特性曲线 ,有效地缩短了测试周期 。
This paper puts forward a new measure project that adopts method of measuring the cycles changing cycle amounts at higher speed and method of T/M at lower speed,on the base of analyzing the measure method of torque- speed,aiming at the basic theory of phase difference type torque- speed sensor.The hardware and software are designed with the core of micro- controller,and the experimentresults verify thatthe measuring instrumentcan quickly and accurately measure induction motor torque- speed characteristic curve,shorten testing time and improve testing efficiency.
S&M Electric Machines