
高频脉冲电场中水滴运动规律研究 被引量:6

Kinematic Law of Water Droplets in Oil Under High Frequency Pulsed Electric Field
摘要 基于水滴在脉冲电场中的受力分析,建立了高频脉冲电场中液滴运动模型及轨迹方程。采用高速显微摄像系统研究了油中水滴的运动规律,分析了脉冲电场形式、强度及频率对水滴运动轨迹和速度的影响规律。模拟结果表明,在直流脉冲电场中,场强主要影响单液滴运动的速度,频率主要影响单液滴的加速及减速时间。试验表明,单液滴运动平均速度随频率的升高而加快;双液滴相对运动速度随场强增加,在直流脉冲电场中减小,在方波电场和交流脉冲电场中变大;双液滴在脉冲电场中的相对运动速度由高至低依次为:交流脉冲电场、方波电场和直流脉冲电场。 Based on the force analysis of the droplet under the effect of high frequence pulsed electric field,the kinematic equation and trajectory equation are established.By using the high speed micro video system,this paper not only finds the law of droplets motion but also analyzes the influence of electric type,intensity and frequence.The simulation suggests that in the high frequence DC pulsed field,the electric intensity mainly affects the velocity of the single droplet while the frequence affects the time of accelerated motion and decelerated motion.The experiments shows as the frequence increases,the average velocity of single droplet increases;as the intesity increases,the speed of relative movement of dual-droplets will decreases in DC pulsed field while in square wave field and AC pulsed field increases;the speed of relative movement will lower as the type changes from AC pulsed field,square wave field to DC pulsed field.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期2229-2234,共6页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.51106182)
关键词 油水分离 电场 高频脉冲 水滴运动 W/O emulsion separation electric field high frequency pulse kinematic of droplets
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